
Permanent collection

From November 2017 till now Mon Art Craft & Gift Shop, Rif Fort Boogjes, Renaissance, Otrobanda, Curaçao
From November 2016 till now BuddhaToBuddha, Rif Fort Boogjes, Renaissance, Otrobanda, Curaçao
From March 2015 Project 3 Gallery, Willemstad, Curaçao
From 2012 till now Coloured pencil drawings in Gallery Alma Blou, Landhuis Habaai, Otrobanda, Curaçao
From July 2014 Jewelry in Mon Art Experience, Rif Fort Village, Otrobanda, Curaçao
From 2005 untill June 2014 Jewelry in Mon Art Gallery, Rif Fort Village, Otrobanda, Curaçao

Solo exhibitions

1989 Exposition of portraits in S-Galerie of the A. Schweitzerschool, Curaçao
1975 Exposition in Bistro Le Centre, Kultureel Centrum in Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Group exhibitions

March 2018 ‘Open Atelier Route’ with coloured pencil drawings and perspex jewelry at the Rif Fort in Otrobanda, Curaçao
June untill September 2017 International d”Art Miniature, Galerie Louise-Carrier, Lévis, Canada
January 2017 Arte Patu Auction, Rotary Duck Experience 2017, Central Bank of Curaçoa and St. Maarten, Willemstad, Curaçao
June 2016 ‘Pollution’ Art Exhibition to create awareness of the pollution, Project 3 Gallery, Willemstad, Curaçao
December 2015 Arte Patu Auction, Papagayo Beach Club, Curaçao
March 2015 Participation ‘Open Atelier Route’ with coloured pencil drawings and perspex jewelry at Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
June 2014 As a result of project ‘150 jaar Libertat’: exposition Tula 2.0 in Mon Art Gallery, Rif Fort, Curaçao
June 2014 ‘MonArtists go Nuts!’ in Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao
2013 “Benetton Paneeltjes” expo, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
2013 “Back to Nature”, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
2012 “Bejeweled 2012”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
2012 “Door het oog van Egberdien”, curators exposition Egberdien van Rossum, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
2012 “A Breast or Two”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
2012 “Taboo”, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao
2012 “Auction animal protection”, Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten, Scharloo, Curaçao
2011 Lous Martin Gallery, Delft, The Netherlands
Dec. 2011 “Bejeweled”, jewelry exposition in Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
Nov. 2011 “Brionplein Gallery”, exposition in honour of the visit of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix, His Royal Highness Prince Willem Alexander en Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima, Curaçao
Dec. 2010 “Bejeweled – Artisan Ornaments”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
10-10-10 “Antepasado di Futuro, Curacao Classics – Visual Arts 1900 – 2010”, Curacaosch Museum, Otrobanda, Curaçao
March – May 2010 De Bakkerij, Bergen aan de Maas, The Netherlands
Feb. 2010 “Art Auction Haiti”, Gallery Alma Blou, Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao
Jan. 2010 “Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Atrium Ballroom Renaissance Hotel, Riffort Otrobanda, Curaçao
2010 ‘Lous Martin Gallery’ , Delft, The Netherlands
Dec. 2009 “Jewels on the Rocks”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
May 2009 “Dependensia”: Curacao Crossroad of the world, Landhuis Kenepa, Curacao
Jan. 2009 “Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Marriott hotel, Curaçao
2009 Lous Martin Gallery’, Delft, Nederland
May 2008 Auction dinner for the good cause, Bistro Le Clochard, Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
Feb. 2008 “Arte Bebe”, miniature goats auction Rotary Club, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao
Jan. 2008 “Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Breezes, Curaçao
Nov. 2007 “Portraits”, Mon Art Gallery, Rif Fort, Otrobanda, Curaçao
Okt. 2007 “Let’s fight breast cancer”, expostion on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Gallery Alma Blou Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao
Sept. 2007 “Gift & Craft Show”, W.T.C., Curaçao
April 2007 “Snoa 275”, exposition in honour of th ecelebration of the 275th anniversary of the Synagoge Mikvé Israël – Emanuel, Villa Maria, Scharloo, Curaçao
March 2007 “It’s all about women”, Gallery Alma Blou Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao
2006 “Celebration”, Landhuis Bloemhof, opening on 6 September, Curaçao
2006 ‘Open Atelierdagen’ Atelier Evelien Sipkes, Curaçao
2006 ‘Under Construction’, opening on 24 August, Mon Art Gallery, Riffort, Curaçao
2005 “Koninginnedinge”, Atelier Evelien Sipkes, Curaçao
2004 Issuing of the ‘Statuutmunt’ on 15 December 2004; in honour of the ’50 jaar Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden’, Curaçao
2003 “Resusita”, Otrobanda Vieja Riffort Village, Curaçao
2003 “Expositie”, Otrabanda Vieja Riffort Village Curaçao
2003 “Bijzondere Publikaties”, Otrobanda Vieja Riffort Village, Curaçao
2002 “Curaçao Art Festival”, Landhuis Jan Kok, Curaçao, Nederlandse Antillen
2002 Expositie temporary Gallery Otrobanda Vieja, Riffort Village, Curacao
2002 “Art of the roots” , Kura Hulanda, Otrobanda, Curacao
2001 “Nos Arte”, Villa Maria te Scharloo, Curaçao
1999 “Arte ’99”, Scharloo, Curaçao
1990 “Gala di Arte”, WTC Otrobanda, Curaçao