March 2018 |
‘Open Atelier Route’ with coloured pencil drawings and perspex jewelry at the Rif Fort in Otrobanda, Curaçao |
June untill September 2017 |
International d”Art Miniature, Galerie Louise-Carrier, Lévis, Canada |
January 2017 |
Arte Patu Auction, Rotary Duck Experience 2017, Central Bank of Curaçoa and St. Maarten, Willemstad, Curaçao |
June 2016 |
‘Pollution’ Art Exhibition to create awareness of the pollution, Project 3 Gallery, Willemstad, Curaçao |
December 2015 |
Arte Patu Auction, Papagayo Beach Club, Curaçao |
March 2015 |
Participation ‘Open Atelier Route’ with coloured pencil drawings and perspex jewelry at Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao |
June 2014 |
As a result of project ‘150 jaar Libertat’: exposition Tula 2.0 in Mon Art Gallery, Rif Fort, Curaçao |
June 2014 |
‘MonArtists go Nuts!’ in Mon Art Gallery, Curaçao |
2013 |
“Benetton Paneeltjes” expo, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao |
2013 |
“Back to Nature”, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao |
2012 |
“Bejeweled 2012”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
2012 |
“Door het oog van Egberdien”, curators exposition Egberdien van Rossum, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao |
2012 |
“A Breast or Two”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
2012 |
“Taboo”, Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao |
2012 |
“Auction animal protection”, Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten, Scharloo, Curaçao |
2011 |
Lous Martin Gallery, Delft, The Netherlands |
Dec. 2011 |
“Bejeweled”, jewelry exposition in Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
Nov. 2011 |
“Brionplein Gallery”, exposition in honour of the visit of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix, His Royal Highness Prince Willem Alexander en Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima, Curaçao |
Dec. 2010 |
“Bejeweled – Artisan Ornaments”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
10-10-10 |
“Antepasado di Futuro, Curacao Classics – Visual Arts 1900 – 2010”, Curacaosch Museum, Otrobanda, Curaçao |
March – May 2010 |
De Bakkerij, Bergen aan de Maas, The Netherlands |
Feb. 2010 |
“Art Auction Haiti”, Gallery Alma Blou, Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao |
Jan. 2010 |
“Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Atrium Ballroom Renaissance Hotel, Riffort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
2010 |
‘Lous Martin Gallery’ , Delft, The Netherlands |
Dec. 2009 |
“Jewels on the Rocks”, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
May 2009 |
“Dependensia”: Curacao Crossroad of the world, Landhuis Kenepa, Curacao |
Jan. 2009 |
“Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Marriott hotel, Curaçao |
2009 |
Lous Martin Gallery’, Delft, Nederland |
May 2008 |
Auction dinner for the good cause, Bistro Le Clochard, Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
Feb. 2008 |
“Arte Bebe”, miniature goats auction Rotary Club, Mon Art Gallery in Rif Fort Otrobanda, Curaçao |
Jan. 2008 |
“Ride, Swim & Walk for the Roses”, auction on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Breezes, Curaçao |
Nov. 2007 |
“Portraits”, Mon Art Gallery, Rif Fort, Otrobanda, Curaçao |
Okt. 2007 |
“Let’s fight breast cancer”, expostion on behalf of the Princess Wilhelmina Fund, Gallery Alma Blou Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao |
Sept. 2007 |
“Gift & Craft Show”, W.T.C., Curaçao |
April 2007 |
“Snoa 275”, exposition in honour of th ecelebration of the 275th anniversary of the Synagoge Mikvé Israël – Emanuel, Villa Maria, Scharloo, Curaçao |
March 2007 |
“It’s all about women”, Gallery Alma Blou Landhuis Habaai, Curaçao |
2006 |
“Celebration”, Landhuis Bloemhof, opening on 6 September, Curaçao |
2006 |
‘Open Atelierdagen’ Atelier Evelien Sipkes, Curaçao |
2006 |
‘Under Construction’, opening on 24 August, Mon Art Gallery, Riffort, Curaçao |
2005 |
“Koninginnedinge”, Atelier Evelien Sipkes, Curaçao |
2004 |
Issuing of the ‘Statuutmunt’ on 15 December 2004; in honour of the ’50 jaar Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden’, Curaçao |
2003 |
“Resusita”, Otrobanda Vieja Riffort Village, Curaçao |
2003 |
“Expositie”, Otrabanda Vieja Riffort Village Curaçao |
2003 |
“Bijzondere Publikaties”, Otrobanda Vieja Riffort Village, Curaçao |
2002 |
“Curaçao Art Festival”, Landhuis Jan Kok, Curaçao, Nederlandse Antillen |
2002 |
Expositie temporary Gallery Otrobanda Vieja, Riffort Village, Curacao |
2002 |
“Art of the roots” , Kura Hulanda, Otrobanda, Curacao |
2001 |
“Nos Arte”, Villa Maria te Scharloo, Curaçao |
1999 |
“Arte ’99”, Scharloo, Curaçao |
1990 |
“Gala di Arte”, WTC Otrobanda, Curaçao |